Vim commands for dummies

I’ve been using Vim over the past couple weeks and between spurts of deleting dozens of lines of code by accident, I’ve actually learned the basics. The learning curve is steep but the productivity gains are noticeable. My approach to learning is know the minimal amount of commands and force yourself to use Vim. Then, when you find youself doing something over and over again (or just a particularly annoying operation) go learn the command to fix that particular problem. Read On →

Tests, tmux, and t-shirts

This week was full of learning new ideas, philosophies, and dev tools. The week’s project was Event Reporter, a command line app that loads, parses, and queries a CSV file containing attendee data. The project’s spec can be found here. This project was our first open ended assignment and to make it more fun we started testing our code using MiniTest as well as using git for versioning. I am loosely familiar with both testing and git but had a bit of a rough start to the week. Read On →

Ruby Enumerable is amazing

Katrina unleashed this gem of a document on us today: Focus on Collections Now, documentation doesn’t always get me amped up but I enjoyed reading this document so much I tweeted about it. The most exciting technical doc I've ever seen by @jumpstartlab #ruby #enumerable — Simon Taranto (@SimonTaranto) September 17, 2013 In my previous ruby work I’ve implemented, by hand, many of these methods (map, any?, find) simply because I didn’t know Enumerable was so powerful. Read On →

gSchool Week 0 - Why I'm Here

1 week down, 23 to go This week was the first week of gSchool Ruby Cohort 1 (actually the second cohort, learn about zero indexing) and I’m excited to be part of a strong and diverse group of like-minded students. My classmastes are artists, veterans, butter makers, hardware programmers, and all Denverites for at least the next 6 months. I enrolled in gSchool with three main learning goals: 1) teamwork, 2) philosophy, and 3) frameworks. Read On →